World English | La scuola di Inglese a Genova


Our academic year runs from mid-October to mid-June and most of our courses are 90 hours (three hours per week divided into two lessons of ninety minutes).

The Cambridge examinations (see courses) are held every month apart from January and February and the enrolments for these examinations must be done two months in advance.

The school is open all year round (including August) except for the Christmas period (closed for 2 weeks) and Easter (closed for a week).

The TOEFL and IELTS can be taken at almost any time of the year with just a week’s notice.

Come Contattarci

Siamo a tua completa disposizione per ogni informazione sulla scuola e sui servizi offerti.

Il nostro indirizzo:
Via Lanfranconi 5/2, 16121 Genova.
Telefono e fax: 010 587069

La scuola è aperta tutti i giorni, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 20.00.